How corrupt is the UK?

Political economist Richard Murphy addresses this question in response to Boris Johnson claiming the UK “is not remotely a corrupt country” after being barraged by questions on ethical standards by journalists at the Cop26 summit, referring to the Owen Patterson lobbying scandal.

What happened to nuclear free Manchester?

Once upon a time, Manchester saw itself as a leading light in the fight against nuclear annihilation.

Dr Kim Foale says that now, not only do we have several companies here who manufacture or assist in the production of nuclear missiles and submarines, we put them in the regional marketing brochure.

Burnham slams ‘political cowardice’ behind social care plan

Successive governments have failed to solve the crisis of social care, says Burnham, who thinks the government’s election promise breaking announcement today to raise taxes to pay for care are ‘a flawed, unfair policy’ that will not ‘stand the test of time’ and will prevent integration of health and social care under the NHS.