16 days of activism against gender-based violence

Today, 25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, marking the beginning of UN Women’s 16 days of activism, with this year’s theme being “Every 10 Minutes, a woman is killed. #NoExcuse. UNiTE to End Violence against Women”.

Take the Post Growth Challenge to help reimagine our economy

The dominant global economic system says infinite growth is possible on finite planetary resources. It is a system which is devouring the planet, increasing human inequality, decreasing biodiversity, and spewing out vast amounts of greenhouse gases causing devastating climate change.

There needs to be an alternative to the endemic and irrational idea that rising GDP is the only way to measure progress. The Post Growth Challenge is your chance to present that alternative.

The Meteor view: planning decisions in Manchester must be subject to full scrutiny

For the past few months The Meteor has been covering Manchester City Council’s suspension of its planning committee. We explain why we’re committed to continuing to cover this issue, which has seen controversial proposals previously rejected, approved under delegated powers. In March, Manchester City Council suspended its planning committee in response to the Covid-19 crisis. […]