Undressing centuries of exploitation within Manchester’s fashion industry

The dark satanic mills of Manchester may have been transformed into chic apartments and office space, but the exploitation and abuse that went on in those mills hasn’t disappeared.

Our addiction to fast fashion means we import the majority of clothes made from global south countries, who have built there own satanic mills to replace our own. Fast fashion brands based in Manchester are making a killing from this trade.

Reshaping ownership within adult social care

Adult social care is broken. After years of marketisation and outsourcing we are left with a service where large market players dominate. Taxpayers’ money, and the savings of older people, are being extracted out of the system for shareholder gain.
The Centre for Local Economic Strategies have published a report on the issues involved.

The report’s author, Tom Lloyd Goodwin, reflects on how ownership models must be shifted to fix that broken system.

Manchester zine takes top spot in the Post Growth Challenge

The Post Growth Challenge was set to provide concise and accessible summaries of the alternatives to the dominant global economic system which says infinite growth is possible on finite planetary resources.

Steady State Manchester presents the entries to the challenge, including the zine created by University of Manchester students which earned top spot.