Welcome to The Meteor’s events page. We hope you find something you like here, it would be great to see you at one of our workshops, debates or bi-monthly open mic nights.
This is a rolling events page and the latest events we have organised will be added to the top of the page and older events that may have already taken place will be lower down the page.
If you have any suggestions for events you would like us to hold, or feedback on events you have attended then contact us by email at: editor@themeteor.org
Meteoric Metres: Spoken Word & Acoustic Open Mic Night, 11 June 2020
Our bi-monthly open mic migrates online to the cosy confines of Zoom.
An evening of innovative and engaging performances we’ll rally a selection of Manchester best spoken-word and acoustic talent to spite coronavirus and the lockdown.
All welcome – message us if you would like to perform or log in on the night!
You can get your tickets here.
We will open the Zoom venue half an hour before the begining of the show