The prime minister launched a new government plan with six milestones in a speech at Pinewood Studios earlier this month. But what’s the detail on these ‘plans for mission-led government’? And will they all be forgotten by the time Keir Starmer announces a new set of pledges?
2024 General Election results for Greater Manchester
We stayed up all night to see the results, and here they are! The polling predictions and exit polls got it right, and Greater Manchester has become a Tory-free zone with 25 Labour and 2 Lib Dem seats.
Polls predict a Tory wipeout in Greater Manchester
The latest MRP poll from Electoral Calculus and Find Out Now shows the Conservatives down to just 60 seats in the whole nation, and none at all in Greater Manchester.
Who pays your MP: how much are Greater Manchester MPs earning from second jobs?
Research by Sky News and Tortoise Media finds that the average MP has received £72,046 outside of their Westminster job since the last general election.
Labour conference sees the party’s fortunes change in the wake of Tory failure and scandal
Last weekend, The Meteor sent reporters to the Labour Conference and The World Transformed in Liverpool, seeing as it’s practically on our doorstep – and the issues on the agendas are of high importance to many of us living in Greater Manchester.
The government would rather people starve or be homeless than create new money
Households across Greater Manchester are struggling to pay their bills due to the cost-of-living crisis.
Economist Richard Murphy argues the failure to help households in this crisis is a political decision, rather than an economic necessity.
Manifesto of councillor tipped to replace Leese, leaked prior to election
In the leaked manifesto, Hulme councillor Ekua Bayunu pledges to tackle the climate emergency, rebalance the economy, prioritise healthcare alongside education, and reform the council if elected Manchester council leader.
Salford Star closure – how Salford council tried to block and discredit the Star
The Salford Star has shut down. This article is a warning to others who may follow, on the pitfalls of founding a genuine publication that aims to give the community a voice and hold public bodies up to account. They will try to discredit you, block information and shut you down.
Here the Salford Star editor, Stephen Kingston, looks at how democracy perished badly under the Salford mayoral system.
The Covid-19 crisis offers opportunities to create a better world – can we seize them?
Video of online debate discussing the big issues around the Covid-19 crisis. A pandemic that has shook the world and destabilized the status quo. What will take its place? Five panelists from Manchester shared a wealth of knowledge and ideas at this debate, which asked the question: The Covid-19 crisis offers opportunities to create a […]
Podcast Review of One at HOME Manchester
“Nasi is on a ladder. Heʼs not coming down any time soon”. As we file into the theatre Nasi is there in front of us, standing high up on the very tall ladder. His demeanor is casual and relaxed but unconvincing. This tense sight amplified by the sense that we had intruded midway through a […]