Coffee Cranks say ‘Co-operatives Rock!’

Search for Coffee Cranks on Google and the first hit listed for this Manchester based ethically minded catering crew states “Co-operatives Rock!”. A sentiment that The Meteor agrees with wholeheartedly, as we have just incorporated as a co-op this month. Coffee Cranks Co-operative was founded back in 2013 with mobile coffee carts designed and built […]

Podcast Review of One at HOME Manchester

“Nasi is on a ladder. Heʼs not coming down any time soon”. As we file into the theatre Nasi is there in front of us, standing high up on the very tall ladder. His demeanor is casual and relaxed but unconvincing. This tense sight amplified by the sense that we had intruded midway through a […]

Podcast review of Mark Thomas in Check Up: Our NHS @ 70

Mark Thomas is a comedian, political activist, investigative journalist and boasts of once being described as a ‘disgusting individual’ by former Lib Dem Leader David Steel. So when he came to Manchester for his latest show, ‘Check Up: Our NHS @ 70’, The Meteor jumped at the chance to check it out. Thomas is well […]

DJ moonlights as Metro Mayor

Last Wednesday night DJ Andy Burnham treated constituents to an in-depth journey of his musical back-catalogue, spinning sweet plates of plastic in the Chorlton venue Electrik. Burnham’s artistic journey to the lofty heights of a desk at the back of a bar has been a long and arduous one, especially since his occasional wanderings into […]

The UK Border Regime: the ‘hostile environment’ dissected

Like many other UK citizens, I owe my existence in this country to family members who migrated here. My father and his family sailed here from India in 1948, escaping the horrors of partition, to settle in Farnworth. My maternal grandmother migrated from Ireland to Salford, seeking to escape the grinding poverty she grew up […]