‘Carry on asking questions’ Andy Burnham tells primary school reporters ignored by Boris Johnson

Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham and children’s commissioner of England answered Manchester Media Club mini-reporters’ questions in live press conferences and encouraged them to keep trying to have their voices heard. Mini-reporters from Greater Manchester interviewed Andy Burnham, Greater Manchester mayor and Anne Longfield, children’s commissioner for England, about their post-pandemic future. The six […]

Outpouring of love for Nexus Art Cafe as Covid forces its closure

Nexus Art Cafe, after shutting its doors in March for the Covid-19 lockdown, announced on Monday it would not reopen. Patrons and supporters of the not-for-profit arts and events space reacted with dismay but also love, recounting their memories in the venue and offering their thanks to the Nexus team. Nexus announced the closure via […]

Homelessness during Covid-19: Manchester needs an approach based on prevention, not intervention

As more government funding is announced to fight homelessness during the Covid-19 pandemic, calls are being made in Manchester for a long-term approach based on prevention rather than intervention. £105 million of funding for the Westminster sponsored programme, ‘Everyone In’, has been announced to continue support being provided for the homeless, as local organisations and […]

Marcus Rashford’s school meals victory praised by Wythenshawe community

Marcus Rashford’s campaign to urge the government to extend free school meal vouchers over the summer holidays ended in victory following a government U-turn this week, and has been praised by sports groups and food poverty campaigners across Wythenshawe. Guest article from Wythenshawe Reporter. The Manchester United forward, who campaigned to keep the scheme which […]