Insulate Britain activists are in court today. They face conviction and possible imprisonment for their direct action protests aimed at spurring the government into action to combat climate change.
Salford tenants invited to join tenant climate jury
Salix Homes in Salford is inviting social tenants to join a first-of-its-kind tenants’ jury to consider how residents, social landlords and others can tackle climate change.
Manchester ‘off the pace’ in reducing emissions, say climate scientists, as council claims progress
Manchester city council’s Executive Committee met yesterday to review the Council’s 2020-25 Climate Change Action plan. The Tyndall Centre, Manchester, told The Meteor that it was likely Manchester was ‘off the pace in terms of year-on-year reductions’ in carbon emissions.
Manchester’s laid-off theatre & event workers are retraining to tackle the climate crisis
An ambitious new project is addressing pandemic induced job loss while boosting the retrofit sector in Greater Manchester. Nick Prescott visits a home undergoing retrofitting works to learn more.
Raising the Roof on Housing: a round-up of our member directed investigation
The Raising the Roof on Housing series was funded by the generous donations of our supporters in a Crowdfunder we ran last year and its theme was chosen by Meteor Community Members.
The climate crisis demands we scale up retrofitting homes in Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester must retrofit 60,000 residential and commercial buildings a year to be zero carbon by 2038. Cooperatives and small businesses have led the way to make homes fit for the future, but not on the scale needed due to financial restrictions, skills shortages and inappropriate supply chains. Local authorities will need to work with […]