‘Justice gap’ is widening due to legal aid cuts and Covid induced deprivation

The ‘justice gap’ is the increasing divide between people who can and cannot afford to pay for legal representation, due to legal aid cuts. With deprivation increasing due to Covid more people face losing their jobs and homes, due to lack of legal counsel.

Greater Manchester Law Centre campaign volunteer Hoejong Jeong explains the legal barriers raised by the state and the pandemic.

Covid-19 and me: my experience

Anti-poverty activist and journalist Charlotte Hughes, explains the experiences and the problems she encountered when she came down with Covid-19 and why she feels that the government let her down. Charlotte, who has previously interviewed Ken Loach, questions the motivations behind government decisions and how it affects the poor. Whilst I haven’t had a test […]

Fighting talk from Labour rally this week

On Monday 2 September, the Labour Party held a rally at the Lowry in Salford. I’d only received notification of it the night before, but even at such short notice it was an opportunity not to be missed. A snap general election is likely, and Labour is getting their message out while the current government […]