A single company received £4.59m from Manchester city council for providing temporary accommodation for homeless households in the 2020-21 financial year, a freedom of information request submitted by the Meteor to the council shows.
The rising costs and lost life chances of living in temporary accommodation
Revealed: homeless households in Manchester see a 42% increase in the time spent living in temporary accommodation in just two years, while the cost to the council goes through the roof.
The Meteor speaks to people living in the limbo land of temporary accommodation, and asks what is the alternative?
Legislative theatre: enhancing and diversifying democracy, with a smile
Legislative theatre is flipping the power dynamics between the homeless and policy makers in GM, creating new workable policies drafted by people with experience of homelessness and tailored to their needs.
The elephants in the room: the ordinary people tackling the issues professionals fail to
The Elephants Trail is a project working in Greater Manchester to address the problems faced by people living with severe and multiple disadvantage.
Thirty Blackley households given just 7 days to find a new home, due to fire safety notice
Residents of Old School Court in Blackley were given just one week to vacate their homes for fire and safety reasons.
The buildings management agency are accused of failing to provide tenants and landlords with updates on the status of the building and the imminent risk of eviction
Greater Manchester tenants are suffering court judgements leading to eviction, with no regard to Covid induced privations
Investigation reveals the increasing numbers of tenants having possession orders awarded against them, paving the way to eviction, since the eviction ban ended. On average it took court hearings just ten minutes to deprive someone of their home.
‘Long term’ and ‘sustainable solutions’ are needed to tackle the ‘systemic’ roots of homelessness
The progress made in housing rough sleepers during the pandemic is under threat as a post-pandemic Manchester approaches, with poverty and its attendant misery on the increase across the region.
Manchester’s lead councillor on homelessness alongside service providers Centrepoint and Mustard Tree believe homelessness is set to increase as we emerge from lockdown.
Four must-see films at the Manchester Film Festival 2021
As Manchester Film Festival 2021 kicks off, Alex King spoke to Manchester-based filmmakers Charlie Watts, Jason Wingard, Mike Ogden and Kieran Stringfellow about their films which are on show at the festival.
Raising the Roof on Housing: a round-up of our member directed investigation
The Raising the Roof on Housing series was funded by the generous donations of our supporters in a Crowdfunder we ran last year and its theme was chosen by Meteor Community Members.
Define Affordable
How arbitrary definitions and a focus on ‘headline figures’ are exacerbating the housing crisis.