Lemn Sissay on his new memoir ‘My Name Is Why’

Lemn Sissay, award-winning and internationally acclaimed poet, was stolen from his birth mother and given to a foster family. He was thrown out by his foster parents at the age of 12 and sent to several children’s homes. He has written a memoir to tell his story of loss and healing, and he spoke to […]

Review: Videodrome at HOME Manchester

David Cronenberg’s 1983 sci-fi thriller Videodrome was screened last Tuesday 6 August at Manchester’s HOME cinema. Starring Debbie Harry in one of her first acting roles, the film was presented as part of their Sound and Vision: Pop Stars on Film programme. HOME’s screening of Videodrome began with Ellen Smith, one of the cinema’s Ushers and […]

Review: BBC series Years and Years

Every so often a show seems destined to become the king of workplace chat, something with such universal appeal that it becomes the perfect icebreaker for those awkward moments you’re forced to talk to that guy you’ve worked with for 6 months but somehow never spoken to. For a long time Game of Thrones held […]

Who is representing you on Greater Manchester’s local councils?

Three weeks ago, Greater Manchester elected one-third of its councillors to local government. Seats were contested in all ten boroughs, but with a turnout of just 31% across the region, which is typical for local elections, few of us actually had a say in who represents us on the local council. Bolton went to the […]

Podcast Review of One at HOME Manchester

“Nasi is on a ladder. Heʼs not coming down any time soon”. As we file into the theatre Nasi is there in front of us, standing high up on the very tall ladder. His demeanor is casual and relaxed but unconvincing. This tense sight amplified by the sense that we had intruded midway through a […]

It’s time for Manchester Museum to decolonise

Imagine that news emerged of 18,000 undiscovered historical artefacts relating to Manchester were illegally taken out the country by a museum in North Africa. We can only think what the response in the city would be in such circumstances. Political leaders would demand the return of the stolen goods, public protests would break out and […]

Food Poverty Action Plan aims to tackle hidden crisis in GM

The latest estimates are that 620,000 people in Greater Manchester are living in poverty, and struggle to put food on the table. Of those, around 200,000 are children experiencing food poverty. £30 billion per year has been cut from welfare budgets since 2010. By 2020, Local councils will have lost 60% of central government funding […]