On Saturday 16 November, hundreds marched in Manchester city centre to mark the global day for climate justice – joining forces with Palestine activists under the banner ‘No Climate Justice without Palestine’s Liberation’.
The Fête of Britain in Manchester’s hands
“Cancel your sodding Netflix account and start doing things together”, says Brian Eno
Red Rebel Brigade on the way to Cop26 perform at Manchester Piccadilly Station
Performers clad in red, symbolising blood on the hands of government due to inaction in combatting climate change, stopped over in Manchester as part of a silent art pilgrimage from Truro to the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow.
Manchester campaigns for climate justice in the run up to Cop26
Stephen Pennells reports on climate justice campaigns in Manchester running up to the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow.
‘All You Need Is Dynamite’ – Dave Haslam on revolution and the underground press in Manchester
Dave Haslam, author, journalist and former resident DJ at the legendary Hacienda club, on the Angry Brigade’s campaign to bring about revolution and the role of underground press titles such as the Mole Express in Manchester in the 70’s.
‘We’re going to stay here for as long as it takes’ – Ryebank Fields camp occupiers demand a development rethink
Setting up a protest camp in Ryebank Fields, campaigners are calling for Manchester Metropolitan University to rethink their plans to sell the land for development. The camp occupiers call for community control of the land to use as a recreational green space and a haven for wildlife.
Greater Manchester, with over £1bn in stock, has largest pension fund fossil fuel investment in UK
Greater Manchester Pension Fund is the biggest investor by far in fossil fuels of any local government pension scheme in the country. Environmental groups are calling on GMPF to divest from fossil fuels, to help tackle the climate emergency.
Israeli company Elbit, owner of recently occupied arms factory in Oldham, receives multi-million UK contract
Elbit Systems, the controversial arms firm with a factory in Oldham that supplies equipment to the Israeli military, has received a contract of over £100 million from the government to supply ‘battlefield technology’ to UK armed forces.
Pro-Palestinian protestors occupied the factory on Monday calling for a stop to its trade in military equipment used in attacks that kill Palestinian civilians.
‘Manchester City Council create more bike lanes’ say billboards on the A6 & A56
The national #bikeisbest campaign has put up billboards on the A6 and A56 calling on Manchester City Council to create more bike lanes. Adam Tranter, Coventry’s bicycle mayor and the campaign organiser, says “If we’re to become a cycling nation, Manchester has to get this right.” For the next week digital billboards on the A6 […]
Extinction Rebellion demand Siemens cancel Adani coalmine contract
Manchester branch of Extinction Rebellion, demonstrate outside Siemens HQ in Manchester. Calling on them to quit the Adani coalmine project. Activists are invited in to talk by Siemens managers, but are not impressed by what they hear. The main entrance to the Siemens UK headquarters in Manchester was blockaded this morning by Extinction Rebellion activists […]