‘Justice gap’ is widening due to legal aid cuts and Covid induced deprivation

The ‘justice gap’ is the increasing divide between people who can and cannot afford to pay for legal representation, due to legal aid cuts. With deprivation increasing due to Covid more people face losing their jobs and homes, due to lack of legal counsel.

Greater Manchester Law Centre campaign volunteer Hoejong Jeong explains the legal barriers raised by the state and the pandemic.

Community-led housing’s potential is yet to be realised

Community-led housing is on the rise. Local groups in need of suitable housing in Greater Manchester are being encouraged to get involved in creating genuinely affordable housing tailored to their needs.

Established housing cooperative Homes for Change show what can be achieved when support is provided which allows people to work together to create housing solutions.

‘Long term’ and ‘sustainable solutions’ are needed to tackle the ‘systemic’ roots of homelessness

The progress made in housing rough sleepers during the pandemic is under threat as a post-pandemic Manchester approaches, with poverty and its attendant misery on the increase across the region.

Manchester’s lead councillor on homelessness alongside service providers Centrepoint and Mustard Tree believe homelessness is set to increase as we emerge from lockdown.

Homelessness during Covid-19: Manchester needs an approach based on prevention, not intervention

As more government funding is announced to fight homelessness during the Covid-19 pandemic, calls are being made in Manchester for a long-term approach based on prevention rather than intervention. £105 million of funding for the Westminster sponsored programme, ‘Everyone In’, has been announced to continue support being provided for the homeless, as local organisations and […]

The Meteor view: planning decisions in Manchester must be subject to full scrutiny

For the past few months The Meteor has been covering Manchester City Council’s suspension of its planning committee. We explain why we’re committed to continuing to cover this issue, which has seen controversial proposals previously rejected, approved under delegated powers. In March, Manchester City Council suspended its planning committee in response to the Covid-19 crisis. […]