A court case set for March between Salford Council and Stama Developments, surrounding planning refusal for the old Police HQ on the Crescent, looks set to be postponed, after a decision published by the Council states that it is “Applying to vacate a High Court hearing for a period of 6 months” for “further discussions and negotiations”.
Support available for domestic abuse victims in Salford
Victims of domestic abuse in Salford are being reminded that support is available during the lockdown, with more counselling and staff provided to cope with demand.
Salford Middlewood Locks looking to avoid planning contributions for third time
Huge Chinese and Singapore Salford development has avoided £8.3 million in fees so far.
The 25 acre Middlewood Locks development should have yielded £8.3million in planning fees to Salford City Council but in its first two phases didn’t pay a cent because of ‘viability’ issues.
Next week, the Council’s Planning Panel will consider proposals for the third phase of 189 residential units plus commercial space, and the company has submitted a further ‘viability’ report which could lead to no payments yet again – despite the previous planning report stating that “The Council’s surveyors are confident that future residential phases will make a S106 contribution”…
Conditions that led to the Covid-19 crisis in social care
Salford Council have guaranteed full pay for care workers isolating because of Covid-19 under ‘The Salford Offer’. Now the council and UNISON are pressing private care homes to take up the policy, with the mayor and a local MP leading protests.
Social housing is key to alleviating the housing crisis, so why are we not building it?
National statistics show that across GM as social housing has fallen, housing waiting lists and temporary accommodation has risen. Mayor of Salford Paul Dennett and author of “Safe as Houses” Stuart Hodkinson give their views on the state of social housing and what needs to be done to improve it. It was the crises of […]
Pedal power: protests for pop-up cycle lanes take off
Three weeks ago, Manchester City Council promised to “work with” neighbouring councils on pop-up cycle lanes. The lack of follow-through has prompted Extinction Rebellion and A6 Cycle Action to stage protests this week for pop-up lanes to deliver a green and socially just post-lockdown recovery. Protests to highlight Manchester City Council’s inaction on creating pop-up […]
We need ‘pop-up’ cycle lanes – Manchester should reconsider decision
On Friday, Manchester City Council announced on Twitter it will not be bidding for pop-up cycle provision as part of a GMCA bid for £16 million from government. City centre resident, Sarah Mann, explains why she’s disappointed about the decision and what we stand to lose if we don’t have a regionally joined-up ‘pop-up’ cycle […]
Manchester’s New Ruins, Ten Years On
Ten years after publishing A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain, author Owen Hatherley reflects on the past decade of neoliberal development in Manchester and its impact on the city. Last weekend, a few items down on the headlines, below the pandemic and the protests and curfews in the US, was a story […]
Toys given a second life to save the environment
Social enterprise Visit from the Stork has launched a crowdfunding campaign to support its new toy sharing scheme, which aims to save families money and help the environment by reusing and recycling plastic toys across Greater Manchester. A crowdfunding campaign has been launched by the local social enterprise Visit from the Stork, to support its […]
To combat Covid-19, Universal Basic Income must go viral worldwide
To combat the coronavirus pandemic a Universal Basic Income must be introduced to give people the financial security needed for them to self isolate effectively – argue Paul Harnett and Laura Bannister of campaign group World Basic Income. We are already seeing radical attempts across the world to lift people out of poverty so that […]