Salford Middlewood Locks looking to avoid planning contributions for third time

Huge Chinese and Singapore Salford development has avoided £8.3 million in fees so far.

The 25 acre Middlewood Locks development should have yielded £8.3million in planning fees to Salford City Council but in its first two phases didn’t pay a cent because of ‘viability’ issues.

Next week, the Council’s Planning Panel will consider proposals for the third phase of 189 residential units plus commercial space, and the company has submitted a further ‘viability’ report which could lead to no payments yet again – despite the previous planning report stating that “The Council’s surveyors are confident that future residential phases will make a S106 contribution”…

Pedal power: protests for pop-up cycle lanes take off

Three weeks ago, Manchester City Council promised to “work with” neighbouring councils on pop-up cycle lanes. The lack of follow-through has prompted Extinction Rebellion and A6 Cycle Action to stage protests this week for pop-up lanes to deliver a green and socially just post-lockdown recovery. Protests to highlight Manchester City Council’s inaction on creating pop-up […]

Manchester’s New Ruins, Ten Years On

Ten years after publishing A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain, author Owen Hatherley reflects on the past decade of neoliberal development in Manchester and its impact on the city. Last weekend, a few items down on the headlines, below the pandemic and the protests and curfews in the US, was a story […]

Toys given a second life to save the environment

Social enterprise Visit from the Stork has launched a crowdfunding campaign to support its new toy sharing scheme, which aims to save families money and help the environment by reusing and recycling plastic toys across Greater Manchester. A crowdfunding campaign has been launched by the local social enterprise Visit from the Stork, to support its […]

To combat Covid-19, Universal Basic Income must go viral worldwide

To combat the coronavirus pandemic a Universal Basic Income must be introduced to give people the financial security needed for them to self isolate effectively – argue Paul Harnett and Laura Bannister of campaign group World Basic Income. We are already seeing radical attempts across the world to lift people out of poverty so that […]