How corrupt is the UK?

Political economist Richard Murphy addresses this question in response to Boris Johnson claiming the UK “is not remotely a corrupt country” after being barraged by questions on ethical standards by journalists at the Cop26 summit, referring to the Owen Patterson lobbying scandal.

Businesses are struggling, the government’s schemes are not working and the UK economy is about to disappear

Political economist Richard Murphy believes the UK government’s business support scheme will fail to help many small and medium size enterprises survive the coronavirus crisis, and points to Europe for a workable solution. In Greater Manchester, in 2017, there were 100,510 firms fitting into the small and medium sized enterprise band, employing 1,166,740 people. I […]

Austerity: the false economy increasing homelessness (part one)

First article in ‘The Meteor Explores: Homelessness in Manchester‘ series. Part two can be read here. Homelessness is often described as a complex problem, usually by those tasked with reducing it, and there are no doubt a multitude of factors that contribute to someone becoming homeless. But there is a common theme to the rise […]