What should Labour’s immigration policy look like?

What should Labour’s immigration policy look like? Manchester Momentum are hosting an event in Manchester tomorrow evening to interrogate this question. New Labour’s record on immigration is poor. Following Tony Blair’s election in 1997, the Home Office introduced increasingly restrictive policies towards immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Deterrence underpinned a tightening up of the asylum […]

Who is representing you on Greater Manchester’s local councils?

Three weeks ago, Greater Manchester elected one-third of its councillors to local government. Seats were contested in all ten boroughs, but with a turnout of just 31% across the region, which is typical for local elections, few of us actually had a say in who represents us on the local council. Bolton went to the […]

The UK Border Regime: the ‘hostile environment’ dissected

Like many other UK citizens, I owe my existence in this country to family members who migrated here. My father and his family sailed here from India in 1948, escaping the horrors of partition, to settle in Farnworth. My maternal grandmother migrated from Ireland to Salford, seeking to escape the grinding poverty she grew up […]

Manchester MP accuses Boris Johnson of Islamophobia and calls for full inquiry

Boris Johnson has been accused of Islamophobia by Manchester MP Afzal Khan, who supports the call of the Muslim Council and other Conservative Muslims for a full inquiry into Islamophobia within the party. Johnson’s remarks comparing Muslim women wearing burqas to “bank robbers” and “letterboxes” have received widespread condemnation, with politicians across all parties demanding […]

Why is the Labour Party falling out over Haringey?

Haringey council leader Claire Kober announced she would stand down last week, following an intervention by Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) into the dispute within the Haringey Labour party over a controversial regeneration plan with Lendlease, a private developer with a dubious history. Kober was determined to press ahead with a plan that had been […]

Manchester 1, Tories 0: Take Back Manchester Festival outperforms conference in the rainy city

“Get off your arse and do something..” sang the Commoners Choir on Saturday night, at a Partisan pre-protest party entitled ‘Fuck the Tories’. The following day, an estimated 50,000 people got off their collective arse to demonstrate outside the 2017 Conservative Party Conference, under shared slogans of ‘No More Austerity’, ‘Scrap the Pay Cap’ and […]

Emotions run high at GM mayoral hustings on the housing crisis

Mayoral candidates for Greater Manchester (GM) were left in no doubt about the dire effects of the housing crisis on its citizens at a hustings to discuss the issue. The panel were bombarded with questions and statements, often with distressing accounts of individual cases, over a broad range of issues including poor housing conditions, the […]

Greater Manchester marches to save our NHS

An estimated 250,000 people travelled, from all over the UK, to take part in the #OurNHS – National Demonstration in London. The demonstration organised by The People’s Assembly and Health Campaigns Together called for: “A fully funded, publicly owned, NHS & social care service. No cuts, no closures no privatisation. End the pay restraint for […]