‘Long term’ and ‘sustainable solutions’ are needed to tackle the ‘systemic’ roots of homelessness

The progress made in housing rough sleepers during the pandemic is under threat as a post-pandemic Manchester approaches, with poverty and its attendant misery on the increase across the region.

Manchester’s lead councillor on homelessness alongside service providers Centrepoint and Mustard Tree believe homelessness is set to increase as we emerge from lockdown.

Homelessness during Covid-19: Manchester needs an approach based on prevention, not intervention

As more government funding is announced to fight homelessness during the Covid-19 pandemic, calls are being made in Manchester for a long-term approach based on prevention rather than intervention. £105 million of funding for the Westminster sponsored programme, ‘Everyone In’, has been announced to continue support being provided for the homeless, as local organisations and […]

ACORN will fight to ensure there are no Covid-19 evictions

ACORN tenants union in Manchester are fighting against the threatened ejection of homeless people housed in hotels and the growing threat of eviction for private renters burdened with growing rent arrears due to lockdown. They have put together six key demands to create a healthier housing system nationally and are petitioning Greater Manchester councils to […]