Take the Post Growth Challenge to help reimagine our economy

The dominant global economic system says infinite growth is possible on finite planetary resources. It is a system which is devouring the planet, increasing human inequality, decreasing biodiversity, and spewing out vast amounts of greenhouse gases causing devastating climate change.

There needs to be an alternative to the endemic and irrational idea that rising GDP is the only way to measure progress. The Post Growth Challenge is your chance to present that alternative.

Masks for Life scheme brings artists together to help local community

Islington Mill in Salford have launched a scheme to provide community groups with free masks and help keep local artists making and serving their communities. Covid-19 has decimated many industries and changed how we keep ourselves and others safe in public spaces. Islington Mill has launched Masks for Life, a Covid response project that aims […]

‘Diverse, stimulating, exhilarating’ – NEON Spokesperson Network launches in North West

The UK sees exclusion and exploitation, and the UK media landscape fails to platform progressive voices on key economic, political and social issues. Through its Spokesperson Network, NEON trains and supports progressive and diverse voices, equipping spokespeople with skills and confidence for the media spotlight. Applications to become a NEON Spokesperson are open until 31 August.

Pedal power: protests for pop-up cycle lanes take off

Three weeks ago, Manchester City Council promised to “work with” neighbouring councils on pop-up cycle lanes. The lack of follow-through has prompted Extinction Rebellion and A6 Cycle Action to stage protests this week for pop-up lanes to deliver a green and socially just post-lockdown recovery. Protests to highlight Manchester City Council’s inaction on creating pop-up […]

‘Community wealth building’ is key to creating stronger local economies post-pandemic, says Manchester based think tank

If we want to own the post-pandemic future we need to concentrate on community wealth building, and embrace the “new Leviathan” state released by the coronavirus crisis, say timely reports released by Manchester based think-do tank the Centre for Local Economic Strategies. The key to creating stronger post-pandemic local economies is ‘community wealth building’ say […]

Cross-party calls for Manchester planning committee to be reinstated

In response to the coronavirus crisis and lockdown, Manchester City Council suspended the planning committee and delegated planning powers to the Chief Executive. Thanks to new legislation, planning committees can now legally make decisions virtually. With other councils moving to online decision-making – and controversial schemes being decided this week – councillors, the Opposition, and […]

Leadership candidates lay out their visions for the future of the Labour Party at Manchester hustings

A lively hustings for Labour Party leadership candidates at Manchester’s Central Convention Complex last night covered a lot of ground including issues around: Brexit, housing, transport, political reform, the environment and antisemitism. The three contenders for the Labour Party leadership, Rebecca Long-Bailey, Lisa Nandy and Keir Starmer, laid out their visions for the future of […]