‘Justice gap’ is widening due to legal aid cuts and Covid induced deprivation

The ‘justice gap’ is the increasing divide between people who can and cannot afford to pay for legal representation, due to legal aid cuts. With deprivation increasing due to Covid more people face losing their jobs and homes, due to lack of legal counsel.

Greater Manchester Law Centre campaign volunteer Hoejong Jeong explains the legal barriers raised by the state and the pandemic.

Undressing centuries of exploitation within Manchester’s fashion industry

The dark satanic mills of Manchester may have been transformed into chic apartments and office space, but the exploitation and abuse that went on in those mills hasn’t disappeared.

Our addiction to fast fashion means we import the majority of clothes made from global south countries, who have built there own satanic mills to replace our own. Fast fashion brands based in Manchester are making a killing from this trade.

Burnham brands ‘fire and rehire’ practices ‘industrial blackmail’

Andy Burnham met Go North West bosses last week to discuss service disruption.

While careful to distinguish the industrial dispute between GNW and its drivers from other instances of ‘fire and rehire’ practices, the mayor says issuing Section 188 notices to renegotiate workers’ employment contracts is tantamount to ‘industrial blackmail’.