Greater Manchester leaders back bringing buses under public control

“On balance, it is in the public interest to make the proposed franchising scheme,” TfGM chief executive Eamonn Boylan told GM council leaders, as they gave the green light on re-franchising the city region’s buses.

Andy Burnham will now make the final decision on introducing a London-style franchise system.

‘Long term’ and ‘sustainable solutions’ are needed to tackle the ‘systemic’ roots of homelessness

The progress made in housing rough sleepers during the pandemic is under threat as a post-pandemic Manchester approaches, with poverty and its attendant misery on the increase across the region.

Manchester’s lead councillor on homelessness alongside service providers Centrepoint and Mustard Tree believe homelessness is set to increase as we emerge from lockdown.

The Factory arts venue faces huge funding shortfall

Originally costing £110m, The Factory arts centre is now expected to cost £186m and the project is currently tens of millions short of its target. Manchester City Council say they can’t fill the gap because of the dire financial straits they face due to Covid.