Rishi Sunak is facing calls from the National Union of Journalists to use his budget statement tomorrow to pledge investment towards public interest journalism, to prevent democracies being undermined.
Loughinisland massacre: journalists arrested, killers remain free
The Northern Irish police told grieving families of the victims of the Loughinisland massacre that there would be “no stone unturned” in their pursuit of the paramilitary killers who gunned down six innocent men in 1994. The police lied. What followed was a cruel charade of an investigation, characterised by police collusion with paramilitary informers, […]
For the many, not the few: Manchester’s Gaiety Theatre
Today theatre in Manchester, apart from exceptions such as Three Minute Theatre, is increasingly for the well-heeled, speaking to their agenda and excluding many working-class people and their hopes and dreams. But it was not always thus. In his new book Staging Life: The Story of the Manchester Playwrights, John Harding explores an era that […]
Be the media in Manchester: apply for our free journalism course starting this April
This spring The Meteor is teaming up with the Centre for Investigative Journalism to offer a comprehensive twelve session training course in community journalism. If you have ever been disappointed by media coverage in your area before, this is a chance to set the record straight by producing the news yourself; covering the stories you […]
Manchester 1, Tories 0: Take Back Manchester Festival outperforms conference in the rainy city
“Get off your arse and do something..” sang the Commoners Choir on Saturday night, at a Partisan pre-protest party entitled ‘Fuck the Tories’. The following day, an estimated 50,000 people got off their collective arse to demonstrate outside the 2017 Conservative Party Conference, under shared slogans of ‘No More Austerity’, ‘Scrap the Pay Cap’ and […]
Journalist persecuted in India appeals against UK refusal of his asylum application
Amitt Bhatt is a journalist from India seeking asylum in the UK on human rights grounds. He fled India after investigations into corruption by the government put him and his family under threat. The Home Office decision to refuse his asylum application is being appealed against at an Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in Manchester on […]
Be the media in Manchester: free journalism course starts this Spring
Is there a story in your community that is crying out to be told to a wider audience? Is an important issue many care about not being covered in the mainstream media? Are you concerned about the increasing bias and declining standards of journalism in the UK’s press? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of […]
Government support for hard working families leaves record levels in poverty
Despite a government that continually expresses its support for hard working families, a recent report on poverty shows that a record 55% of people in poverty are from working households. The report also highlights the disproportionately high level of disabled people living in poverty and the increasingly severe effects of the housing crisis on poverty […]
Kashmir to Manchester: journey of a refugee journalist
Exile, abductee, fugitive, asylum seeker; what comes next all depends on the outcome of the asylum hearing