Reshaping ownership within adult social care

Adult social care is broken. After years of marketisation and outsourcing we are left with a service where large market players dominate. Taxpayers’ money, and the savings of older people, are being extracted out of the system for shareholder gain.
The Centre for Local Economic Strategies have published a report on the issues involved.

The report’s author, Tom Lloyd Goodwin, reflects on how ownership models must be shifted to fix that broken system.

‘Community wealth building’ is key to creating stronger local economies post-pandemic, says Manchester based think tank

If we want to own the post-pandemic future we need to concentrate on community wealth building, and embrace the “new Leviathan” state released by the coronavirus crisis, say timely reports released by Manchester based think-do tank the Centre for Local Economic Strategies. The key to creating stronger post-pandemic local economies is ‘community wealth building’ say […]