Who Let Grenfell Burn ?

Manchester poet Tom Skinner wrote this two days after the fire in Grenfell Tower. “It was a response to seeing the government trying to dodge the guilt of what they have allowed to happen”, says Tom. It’s based on Bob Dylan’s song Who Killed Davey Moore. Who let Grenfell burn, Who’s to blame, what can we […]

Acoustic Amnesty fundraiser brings a taste of Americana to Salford

Once again an Acoustic Amnesty gig approaches with a top notch line up of singer/songwriters and poets that promises to bring a transatlantic feel to the beautiful Sacred Trinity church in Salford. The performance on 9 June, the day after the general election, provides an excellent opportunity to soothe away your sorrows or celebrate your […]

The fight for freedom of expression rages on in Syria

Warning: contains images and ideas that some may find shocking/controversial. War is a cruel and powerful muse. Those affected by the death, destruction and misery create works as acts of rebellion and survival against the inhumanity, chaos and insanity thrust upon them. The people of Syria rose up against the oppressive culture of fear of […]

‘The Uprising of Dignity’: film screening and book presentation by Manchester Zapatista Collective this week

This Thursday evening, Manchester Zapatista Collective are hosting a public documentary screening and book presentation in solidarity with the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico. The event, taking place on Thursday 19th January at Manchester’s Green Fish Resource Centre, will be an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the movement and indigenous communities’ struggle for […]

Bigger Badder Language: award winning spoken word night

Bad Language, headed by Joe Daly and Fat Roland, is dedicated to the development and promotion of new writing. Their monthly literature night held in Manchester’s Northern Quarter has won the Saboteur Award for best regular spoken word night in the UK for two years running. The Meteor went to their ‘Bigger Badder Language’ night, […]