Fighting talk from Labour rally this week

On Monday 2 September, the Labour Party held a rally at the Lowry in Salford. I’d only received notification of it the night before, but even at such short notice it was an opportunity not to be missed. A snap general election is likely, and Labour is getting their message out while the current government […]

Access to Pride should not be denied to disabled people

Pride in Manchester is becoming a bigger event with each passing year, reflecting the city’s reputation as a diverse and LGBT+ friendly place. But this year’s Pride celebrations were not inclusive for everyone, as some disabled attendees discovered during the weekend’s events. Concerns about event pricing, over-ticketing and poor organisation were raised by many people, […]

Who is representing you on Greater Manchester’s local councils?

Three weeks ago, Greater Manchester elected one-third of its councillors to local government. Seats were contested in all ten boroughs, but with a turnout of just 31% across the region, which is typical for local elections, few of us actually had a say in who represents us on the local council. Bolton went to the […]

SpyCops in Lush shops divides public opinion

Lush made a bold move with their recent #SpyCops campaign – bold enough to enrage a section of the public who saw the campaign as an attack on the integrity of all police officers. This pressure eventually led to some #Spycops window displays being taken down – which proves they hit a nerve, but perhaps […]

Happy Days Review: What’s it all mean? What’s it meant to mean?

Sarah Frankcom directs Samuel Beckett’s ‘Happy Days’ Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester   Winnie Maxine Peake plays Winnie, a woman in something of a predicament, but determined not to let it get her down. Winnie is buried in the ground up to her waist, yet for her this is all a perfectly normal aspect of every day. The same […]