Lemn Sissay on his new memoir ‘My Name Is Why’

Lemn Sissay, award-winning and internationally acclaimed poet, was stolen from his birth mother and given to a foster family. He was thrown out by his foster parents at the age of 12 and sent to several children’s homes. He has written a memoir to tell his story of loss and healing, and he spoke to […]

The Six Acts, inspired by Peterloo, aims to reboot democracy now

It’s two hundred years since Peterloo, where those calling for democratic reform were slaughtered by government forces. A new campaign called The Six Acts aims to honour those who fell, in the struggle for a more inclusive democracy, by rebooting democracy today. And they need your help to do it! On the 16 August 1819, […]

Residents vent their frustration at Manchester City Council’s planning process

Public meeting to discuss Manchester City Council’s planning process saw accusations of developers ‘watering down’ councillors’ powers and there being a ‘lack of accountability’ in decisions made during the planning process. Frustration and disillusionment were the primary feelings expressed as Labour Piccadilly ward councillors held a meeting with local residents and activists to discuss ways […]