Jeremy Corbyn takes aim at the state of the current media landscape, and proposes solutions to improve it, with journalist and author Gary Younge.
‘Critical for a liveable, prosperous and sustainable city’: Manchester City Council leader weighs in on bus reform
As public support grows for bus regulation in Greater Manchester, campaigners from Better Buses for Greater Manchester this week have been taking local council leaders for a ride… on a bus. Throughout Better Buses Action Week local residents have been inviting council leaders onto their commutes to convince them to support bus regulation and to […]
Better Buses for Greater Manchester campaign launched with a bus ride
A bus surrounded by people with protest placards asking for more “affordable”, “reliable” and “accessible” buses was parked on Store Street in Manchester last Thursday, before transporting the campaigners to the city centre for tea and cake at the Greenfish Centre. The bus ride was organised by the Better Buses for Greater Manchester, a campaign […]