The council’s planning committee have voted to accept the proposal for a 440 space car park on the outskirts of the city centre. A decision, campaigners say, breaks the spirit of the councils climate emergency declaration and will increase carbon emissions and other pollutants dangerous to the health of children in a nearby school Manchester […]
Manchester City Council accused of failing to provide sufficient resources to combat the climate emergency
Environmental campaigners in Manchester call on the city council to allocate more resources to tackling the climate emergency. An emergency the council declared it would tackle in July 2019. Since Manchester City Council’s declaration of a climate emergency in July, no additional resources have been allocated to combat the emergency, according to details released by […]
Proposal to develop Central Retail Park into a car park represents the very worst of urban development in Manchester
Manchester Labour for a Green New Deal argue that the city council’s plans to turn the former Central Retail Park into a car park will increase traffic pollution, damage health and fail to tackle the climate crisis that the council has previously declared. The proposal by Manchester City Council to develop the site of the […]
Campaigners join forces against council schemes they say ignore Manchester’s climate emergency
Local campaigners are joining forces to protest Manchester City Council’s plans to build a five-year, temporary 440 space car park on the former Central Retail Park in Ancoats, as well as the Great Ancoats Street Improvement Scheme, which removes cycle lanes. A protest was held on Thursday by the Northern Quarter residents and cycling campaigners […]
Manchester declares a climate emergency: what next?
By Manchester Labour for a Green New Deal: Manchester City Council declared a climate emergency on Wednesday. In following the lead of Parliament, which made history by being the first in the world to declare an emergency on the 1 May 2019, the council add their name to a growing list of public bodies that […]