Guest article from The Salford Star:
Manchester city centre shoppers, yesterday, got down to the beat of the PCS Samba Band and a host of DJs giving out the message that the Tories must be kicked out on Thursday to Save Our NHS…
“Surely no-one believes that the NHS is safe in the Tories’ hands” said Dave Vincent of the Samba band “…we’ve got to defend it otherwise it will be finished.”
With the General Election fast approaching this Thursday, a Save Our NHS Street Party was held today outside Urbis to get the message across to the general public. The PCS Union Samba Band played a full set complete with a dancer, while, later in the afternoon, DJs played house, dubstep and R&B tracks to the delight of passers-by.

“We’ve done this just to show solidarity with the NHS, the doctors, the nurses; and give a message to the Government” explained Emma Leyla Mohareb, who organised the Party “Basically we don’t want to do a petition for change because it’s not going to change anything; we’d rather be more proactive and try to change things by ourselves. The message today is ‘Everyone save our NHS and vote for Jezz!'”
The PCS Union Samba Band players had drums festooned with Save Our NHS stickers, while some wore Tories Out! T-shirts.

“The next few days are absolutely crucial…surely no-one believes that the NHS is safe in the Tories’ hands, so we’re hoping to get that message across” said the Samba Band’s Dave Vincent “People need to understand that they’re already tendering for contracts with American companies to take over the NHS. It’s clearly not safe in their hands.
“Nearly everyone in this country is born in the NHS, so we’ve got to defend it otherwise it will be finished and we won’t get it back” he added “This is surely the privatisation we’ve all got to stop, so that’s why we’re here today. And hopefully people will draw the right conclusions about who to vote for on June 8th…”
Originally published in The Salford Star on the 3 June 2017
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