BBC local democracy reporter sham as contracts handed to Manchester Evening News publisher

Guest story from the Salford Star: The BBC has announced that its new massively funded Local Democracy Reporter scheme is set to benefit the profit-driven mainstream media, with Manchester Evening News publisher, Trinity Mirror, getting six funded reporters in Greater Manchester. The Salford Star pulled out of the process months ago, with the board telling […]

The Meteor Explores: Homelessness in Manchester

To see all the articles in this series, click here. Homelessness is a visibly growing problem in Manchester. When asked what concerns Mancunians have about their city, homelessness was one of the top issues mentioned. The Meteor has subsequently covered a range of stories relating to homelessness over the past year and have now been […]

Manchester 1, Tories 0: Take Back Manchester Festival outperforms conference in the rainy city

“Get off your arse and do something..” sang the Commoners Choir on Saturday night, at a Partisan pre-protest party entitled ‘Fuck the Tories’. The following day, an estimated 50,000 people got off their collective arse to demonstrate outside the 2017 Conservative Party Conference, under shared slogans of ‘No More Austerity’, ‘Scrap the Pay Cap’ and […]

It beggars belief: Rochdale Council plans to punish the homeless and restrict civil liberties

Rochdale Council are proposing sweeping new laws that will force homeless people to pay fines for begging and also restrict freedom of expression by fining the distribution of unauthorised printed materials and leaflets. The proposals, which are still open to limited public consultation, have been condemned by human rights charity Liberty as a “staggering misuse […]

North West tops the tables for paramedic shortages

The North West has the largest shortfall of paramedics in England, according to figures released by the NHS due to a freedom of information request from the Labour Party. This latest shortage adds to the lack of doctors, nurses and most importantly funding that besets our crisis ridden NHS. New information released shows that in […]