Manctopia: reality TV in a journalism jumper

The series trailer and episode lead-ins for the BBC documentary Manctopia are suggestive of a series seeking to analyse the inequalities associated with Manchester’s “property boom”.

Instead, this glossy reality TV entrenches a misguided message that uncontrolled investor-driven urban development is the only possible trajectory. Its winners vs losers framing negatively impacts those communities experiencing the pressures of gentrification on a daily basis.

Social housing companies extracting huge shareholder payouts from housing benefits paid to vulnerable tenants

Thirteen registered providers of social housing are using this financialised lease-based model in Greater Manchester. Five have regulatory judgements against them. Wigan is the borough with the highest amount of this type of housing which is fueling substantial dividend payments to shareholders, all derived from public money paid to house people with disabilities. Social housing […]

Lessons from Leigh

Ben Beach argues that in order to revive itself in places such as his hometown of Leigh, the left needs to engage with the grassroots organisations that are currently doing vital community work and re-cement itself as a force for practical, everyday change.


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