Happy Birthday MCC Climate Emergency! Exactly one year ago today, Manchester City Council unanimously passed a motion declaring a climate emergency. It was a warm July day and the Town Hall provided the perfect backdrop for a piece of political theatre. Over the past year, Climate Emergency Manchester has scrutinised the Council’s progress against the […]
Don’t let the coronavirus crisis usher in chlorinated chicken – and worse!
The UK and US trade deal negotiations are still underway, aiming to be finished for the end of the Brexit transition period with the EU in December. Campaigners in Manchester are determined to oppose the introduction of chlorinated chicken and continue the fight for the UK to keep its higher standards in farming and food […]
Prize offered for best essay to ‘combat climate silence’ of council leaders
Concerned about the climate crisis? This competition offers the chance to get those concerns down in writing and possibly spur on the efforts of those in power. Essay competition open to all ages, with cash prizes on offer. If you are concerned about the climate crisis and think that not enough is being done about […]
Council pledges extra millions to tackle climate emergency and condemns national government inaction
Manchester City Council promises £17m extra funding to tackle the climate emergency and broaden their scope to include aviation and indirect emissions. Councillor calls on national government to set up Climate Emergency Budget. Climate Emergency Manchester campaigners argue council plans still lack a clear “pathway” and “actions” on how to achieve their stated goals. Yesterday’s […]
2020 Housing Vision: an opportunity to act against the housing crisis
There is widespread concern that our new Conservative government will do little to alleviate the housing crisis, that has become more severe over the last ten years while the Tories have been in power. This event hosted by organisations fighting for housing rights, aims to guide the hand of national and local governments to do […]
Police urged to prosecute Boris Johnson for climate ‘genocide’
Climate activists have submitted a dossier of evidence to Greater Manchester Police suggesting that Boris Johnson, and two former Conservative Prime Ministers have enacted policy decisions that have increased the risk of climate change rather than reducing it, and are therefore responsible for increasing numbers of deaths due to climate ‘genocide’. Activists fighting climate change […]
Manchester City Council accused of failing to provide sufficient resources to combat the climate emergency
Environmental campaigners in Manchester call on the city council to allocate more resources to tackling the climate emergency. An emergency the council declared it would tackle in July 2019. Since Manchester City Council’s declaration of a climate emergency in July, no additional resources have been allocated to combat the emergency, according to details released by […]
Manchester joins global climate strike
On Friday the people of Manchester participated in the largest climate strike in history, joining 150 UK and 2,500 worldwide demonstrations critiquing government inaction on climate change. St Peter’s Square took on a different shape during the event – it became a place where the voices of young people were heard as they got on […]
Addressing climate breakdown will take a movement from below and the left in power
By Manchester Momentum and Manchester Labour for a Green New Deal: Extinction Rebellion gave a powerful demonstration of peaceful civil resistance last weekend. By occupying Deansgate they stood in the best of Manchester’s traditions of protest. Manchester Momentum and Manchester Labour for a Green New Deal are proud to stand in solidarity with these campaigners […]
Manchester declares a climate emergency: what next?
By Manchester Labour for a Green New Deal: Manchester City Council declared a climate emergency on Wednesday. In following the lead of Parliament, which made history by being the first in the world to declare an emergency on the 1 May 2019, the council add their name to a growing list of public bodies that […]